Tally Virtual user
Accessing tally using Microsoft RDP,Thin Client, Ts client etc.
Accessing tally using Tally Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Citrix etc.
Tally Virtual User

Who is a virtual user of Tally?
Tally virtual user (TVU) is nothing but an instance of Tally.ERP 9 running or being accessed over a virtualization environment or through tools like Windows RDP, Windows thin Client, Citrix, or similar technologies. In simple terms, if you use Windows RDP or similar technology to access Tally.ERP 9, you will require a license having Tally Virtual User entitlement.
Customer Using tally Virtually
Till 31st March 2021, you can continue to use Tally virtually in the same way you use today. In this period, the Tally Virtual User (TVU) packs equivalent to your need shall be deployed free of cost. Post the free trial, default entitlements will set in.
We will get in touch with you and help you with this.
Just Purchased Tally.ERP 9
Customer Not using Tally Virtually
If you are interested to try out virtual usage of Tally, please get in touch with your Tally partner. The partner will help propose and deploy a virtual technology solution with authorized TVU access. The TVU authorization will be free of cost till 30th September 2020. Post this date, a 1-month free trial will be available. You can enjoy the trial period anytime before 31st March 2021. Post the free trial, default entitlements will set in. In case, you have multiple licenses and would like to upgrade them to TVU packs, at the end of the trial period we will upgrade every single user license to 1 TVU pack and every multi user license to 10 TVU packs. These will be applicable for 1 year and will be over the above the default entitlements.
Welfare will gauge your nature of usage and propose the required implementation, be it on-premise or virtual. In case the recommendation is virtual usage, you will be entitled to a free trial of authorized TVU access till 30th September 2020. Post this, the free trial will be of a month. You can enjoy the free trial anytime before 31st March 2021. Post the free trial, default entitlements will set in.