Solution for Mismatches in Filed GSTR-1 & GSTR-3B in Tally.ERP Release 6.6

With the launch of Goods and Service tax majority of SME uses Tally.ERP 9 as a tool for filing their monthly GST return in the form of GSTR1 & GSTR-3B. Users records day to day transaction in Tally and on month completion they reconcile their GSTR1 & GSTR3B with books of account i.e Ledger.
During process of reconciliation there is the possibility of multiple mismatches and errors in GSTR1 & GSTR-3B due to wrong tax percentage selection, wrong ledger type selection extra. Senior Accountant or account head correct all those mismatched and error and finally with zero mismatched they are able to reconcile their GST returns with ledgers. Correction of GSTR1 & GSTR3B is very time consuming task as Tally currently taking much time in process of error correction. Not its time to upload the GST returns from Tally.ERP 9 to Goods and Service tax portal using json or Excel format.
refer to below video for uploading returns.
As we are Tally certified 5 star partner and working closely with clients since last 12 years we help our clients in simplifying their process of GST Return.Mostly in the case here client having multiple users they reported regeneration of mismatches in last Corrected GSTR1 & GSTR3B in Tally. On analyzing the same below are some our conclusion which cause regeneration of mismatched in corrected data.
a. Alteration of transaction value in GST related transaction of filed period.
b. Changes in Item master for tax percentage., applicability
c. Changes in Party Ledger in registration type i.e Unregistered to Regular
d. Changes in Group and GST setting of Sales,Purchase, taxes ledger.
Challenges in Current Security of Tally.ERP 9
Disallowed Backdated Vouchers
If We disallowed the backdated voucher for the user then user cannot create or alter the Contra, Physical Stock, Stock Journal Some journal entry which is not the part of GST but practically needed in day to day work.
Disallowed Alteration of Master.
If we disallowed alteration of accounting master then user cannot change Grouping, Name, address, and this applicable not only for Ledger but also for Ledger Groups.
If we disallowed alteration of inventory master then user cannot change Stock Group, BOM, Opening Balance and disallowed for inventory master applicable not only for Stock item but also forStock groups and Stock category.
Disallowed Company features
If we disallowed the F11- features all the Inventory , accounting , Statutory features get Lock .
Customize Solution can fulfill your Requirement
How This customized tool is helpful
a. Admin can Enter Lock date after Uploading GST return in Portal
(i.e on 20th August user can lock date upto 31-07-2019.)
b. User cannot alter , cancel, delete or add the transaction on or before Lock date.
c. Admin can decide the voucher type he want to exclude from protection.
d. User cannot Disable the TDL from F12 Configuration.
e. User cannot disable the Lock GST from Company features.
f. User cannot change GST Details in Company features however he has the right to change all other features.
g. User can change information in masters but not GST related.
Now Its on your hand if your are serious about your Filed GST Return or Not.